“I designed a template for taking class notes that I reuses each class session. I added structure to these notes using tables. My template includes the following sections: Tip #4: Create templates for recurring notes Last semester, for example, I accidentally left mynotebook (with my handwritten formula review notes) at home, Evernote came to the rescue as I’d already uploaded these notes to my account, so I could access them from my tablet device instead.” This ensures that I have everything backed up and always available on any device. “When it comes time to review for tests, I prefer to create handwritten study notes, which I then scan into Evernote by uploading a picture of them. Tip #3: Scan study notes into Evernote so you can review them later on your phone
If a lecture has been recorded using lecture capture software I can save the recording of this into Evernote.” When it’s time to study for exams, I re-listens to the lecture as a way to review the key points to keep the concepts fresh in my mind. “I use Evernote to record the lectures on my phone. Tip #2: Use audio recorded lectures to review for exams
“I store all of my handwritten notes, PowerPoint and PDF presentations, and graphic design files in Evernote. I organise everything from my information science courses into notebooks-first by class, then grouped as notebook stacks, by semester.” Tip #1: Save all course-related information into Evernote, then organise into notebooks and notebook stacks These tips were taken from the Evernote blog.

Jonathan Copeland has shared his four tips for using Evernote to become a more productive and effective student. For example, if you’re looking for an old tesco voucher type ‘tesco’ in the search bar and it comes up straight away! The smart camera and tagging functions are also really handy as it’s so easy to find images that you took a while ago. I forward the email to my specific Evernote email account and set a reminder so I can get straight back to the appropriate tasks when necessary.

I recently discovered it and I love the layout, cloud storage and specifically the email function, as it means I don’t lose track of important work or uni emails, especially when they contain information which requires further action.